woensdag 19 januari 2011

Nivea Visage Young Case Study

 Nivea Visage Young

Nivea Visage Young, a product range which offers more than just a healthy skin. The healthy skin and care indeed gives full trust to the consumers. Though beside their efficiency óf the product, the product also offers more within.

“A fast, simple and easy to use skincare regime specifically designed, packaged and priced for the teenager. Its gentle formulations with pure ocean minerals prevent impurities and control shine - leaving skin clear, shine-free and pleasantly fresh. • NIVEA Visage Young is the latest edition to the NIVEA range.
Many skin care products aimed at teenage skin are medicated, and often harsh and drying, NIVEA Visage Young offers a mild, yet effective, alternative.”
Supermarkets, Priceline, Myer, Target, Kmart, Big W and selected pharmacies.

This actually gives a clear view about their ideas and thought of how this line would fulfill consumer needs, and lead to a good market share. The range of products are offered to control the needs of the consumer. As you also can see, Nivea offers a splendid marketing mix. The four basic needs of the consumer have been Nivea’s focus and research grounds.

Outlining and combining the four P’s   will definitely show the efficiency and liability of the product to my opinion and give a clearance that especially Product and Promotion, are the higher P’s within Nivea Visage Young.

This line of Nivea offers a variable range of products. It covers all needs on the human body which all give benefits to a particular place or spot. By this development within this line, and also on human body, a lot of testing and market trials are researched. What Nivea did was focusing on the consumer needs to the fullest, meaning they looked which target group was not focused on yet and still had a large efficiency.  They found the big gap/niche and launched Nivea Visage Young.

Young people were the new target group, with lots of needs so variation was required. Nivea has made different variations within and focused more on quality instead of quantity. Beiersdorf, who owns Nivea, was first a parental brand, focused on parents who skins began to get wrinkles and scrubby. By coming up with Nivea Visage Young, this turned over into young people between the age of teenagers and
younger ladies.

As seen on this video, Nivea uses student aged and parental aged ladies to make their target group wide. This has a purpose. The more younger teens are attracted to the product because of the performance of the product itself and the changes and effects  which even influence more older people. The more older people are attracted to the product because of these great influence on themselves and want to look younger again without wrinkles or scrubby body.

The target group lies between the teenagers and beginning adults, especially 13-19 and Nivea Visage Young is a special product range here for. The range of products is based on quality, look, special formula for age and targeted to this target group. These are all improvements of the products of Nivea which helps to obtain the most consumers as possible. Furthermore,  Nivea made more purposes to increase and stimulate the nature and our environment. This is done by:

·         Larger packages to decrease garbage and waste
·         New and freshly looking design incl. Description and layout
·         More natural formula
·         Recycle options (plastic)

Nivea contains several lines of products. One line of these are the Nivea Visage Young. These products are brought on the market because of the younger types who care about their skin. In order to be creative and new, Nivea had to be motivated. The product line has made it through product testing  and market trials e.g. blogs which shows that the product differs from other lines of brands and where is spoken about the upcoming line.

Competitors were not focused with a full line on this target group and were more focused on skin health. Though Nivea Visage Young brought a products on the market which not only healthy woman’s skin, but also beautify it and focus on the younger target group. At made a connection between teens and more elder people which was for years a gap in the market. This leak has been successfully solved by Nivea Visage Young.

Nivea put up a good solid price which covers costs of product and gives good profit. This is possible because of the needs within the target group. The price not only covers, but effects the idea of being new, of high quality and great stability. By these needs, features, variations of development and testing periods, Nivea is able to keep quality above quantity.

Though Because of focusing on product, price will have effort also. The product makes the price, but the price also makes the product. Nivea made the product fit the price because of the quality and promotion, and the price shows that it must be a original product with good quality and believable, to have this amount.  This price has influence on the product and the product on the price.

They used promotional adds like a new looking product with new ingredients, based on nature and targeted on younger people. The quality of promotion lies within the price. The Young Visage line makes use of different promotional strategies. Nivea choose and targeted at an price skimming strategy to obtain high prices and even good sales because there was no real competition. This leaded to a good market share.

When Nivea first set up Nivea Visage and Nivea Visage Young, some developments had to be changed in order to full fill consumer needs. After this second development the prices were a little bit higher. This views the development of the product which brought more costs but more effort to the product and its product market potential and liability.

As their effective strategy had their purposes the place also did his huge part to Nivea Visage Young. The product is based on their target group which is mostly teenagers around the age of 13-19.

This particular target group has their own needs, so Nivea now offers their Nivea Visage Young line in supermarkets, pharmacies, special occasions with testing models and free samples, internet web shops and shops e.g. gift shops,

According to the other lines of Nivea, the parents were used to buy the products, even mostly especially for themselves because they were targeted at elder people , The launch of Nivea Visage gives ability and targets to let the elder en teenagers self buy the products. Research showed that these teenagers have a lot of influence on each other and also on their parents. And to my opinion, teenagers are likely to shop a lot, so will stop by for products as the Visage Young while thinking about beautifying themselves.

 Nivea is one of the world's leading personal care and styling brands and plays a key part in the Beiersdorf Group brand portfolio. Through the partnership with the Eurovision Song Contest NIVEA VISAGE has been granted extensive event association, media and new media rights. The key campaigns of the sponsorship will be around the NIVEA VISAGE YOUNG line brand, with territorial focus on Russia and Eastern Europe.

Official event of Eurovision Song Contest definitely cooperated to the idea of promotion. This partnership on such an event uses Nivea to not only cover costs but help promote Nivea’s line. The brand and line name will be recognized immediately because of the enormous amount of media. After all, media actually is THE biggest part of promotion.  With such an campaign, Nivea choose to invest money in order to get familiar and attracted which will increase their market share.

Promotional activities of Nivea are events but also media and social networking and connecting with people and consumers. Examples are Facebook, Hyves, LinkedIn, Youtube, press releases, magazines etc. Within these media, consumers can share their opinions and interest in the production line. The opinions of other businesses can also have influence and this is also called branding and B2B and B2C promotions. Because of this I think Nivea self can note whether they are doing good on the consumer needs and their satisfaction or not.

Launching a fresh and new product line has to do with a lot of things. The most important focuses are the promotional and product P’s of the marketing mix. Also the way how Nivea used their strategy, and combined each P with each other in order to satisfy costumers has a big influence on their market share. Nivea has done very well doing proper research with result that a big gap was filled. 

Thankyou reading my blog and feel free to post a comment!

Niels Dekker
International Business Studies
ROC Midden Nederland

vrijdag 7 januari 2011

Jamie Cullum and Skoda Octavia

Jamie Cullum

Air Management uses a lot of advertisement for their work. Jamie Cullum is one of them who makes own music. He is supported, managed and advertised by Air Management. Air Management uses a lot of media and social networking e.g. the internet. Social networks as Facebook, MySpace, own sites with information and profiles are some examples. By use of internet and media, a bigger network will be influenced. By keeping these sites and profiles up-to-date, people will get more interested which is also a form of marketing. Within this, Air Management sends information to those your sometimes subscribed on this like Air Managements newsletter where all latest info and events are put in. The publicity effects other sites and fans  which will create more room for Jamie Cullums audiences but also investment in public relations. These public relations sometimes guarantee more work and performances for Jamie.

“Marc was responsible for launching Jamie Cullum from an unknown talent with huge potential to a Grammy nominated superstar who has now sold over four million albums.”

This work and these performances will also have effect on costs posts. Here for Air
Management makes use of some sponsors for Jamie who can also benefit from the publicity. These businesses can provide from being a sponsor of Jamie Cullum for the publicity though need to sponsor him for this. This sometimes lead to a partnership  or head sponsor. These sponsors and Air Management self can promote themselves in Jamie Cullum by making good publicity, do good advertisement and make proper public relations.

Air Management uses sales promotions into events of Jamie Cullum by e.g. randomly picking people from the radio who get surprised with a ticket. Furthermore stunting with prices such as his albums or dealing with social agreements between Air Management and other businesses whether they might be a good help. These social agreements give advice and help, and can lead to a good partnership or sponsorship.

By this, both provide and the other business then offer sometimes good discounts. But events like audiences/stage performances are not the only factors. Air Management also contributes to commercials, other events to flyer there and  Jamie Cullum can be invited for a radio station where he can be interviewed. This can lead to a lot of publicity and interest for potential people. Radio stations and businesses for events and performances are examples of actions that are there to promote Jamie Cullum and get more fans. Air Management does not only do this for Jamie Cullum but for a lot of others, also upcoming artists. They can be interviewed and drop their demo.

Skoda Octavia

The Skoda Octavia is a car with variable options. It is designed to be not only a family car, but also have a sportive and business look. Skoda wants to set the Octavia good on the market and this is done by their commercials, executive information and contacts. They advertise on by sites and TV commercials where the price is smoothly brought under cover of interesting information. As Skoda, they are a car company who have a lot of competitors. Competition is hard so there is always a lot of money invested in advertising. By use of flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers and only information they try to get influence a lot of potential buyers. Skoda self uses also other advertisement options like widgets and wallpapers, because a lot of business and consumers work with internet and the computer so this makes a good influence for publicity. By doing this the Skoda Octavia will gain  publicity as well which is mainly imported because of the big competition. Skoda here does not only needs these forms of advertisement, but also public relations who are a other department/factor of advertisement. These relations will also quicker take a newsletter of Skoda with the latest information  such as the Octavia which may offer the right requirements.

By having good connections as Skoda, they can influence many businesses and consumers who seek for a business looking though sportive car. Skoda as a business sponsors self for other businesses and events. An example is the Tour The France. Here the Skoda Octavia can perform and show itself by banners and also flyering on this contest. To a head sponsor, Skoda can make much publicity and benefit from this event. They can have a show model their and tags upon the Skoda Octavia and the racing group. The Skoda Octavia shows that they have a lot of space and are up to date in the future by using green combilines which is good for mother earth. This is handy because a lot of businesses and consumers have interest in the well known Tour The France.

Skoda also uses special discounts and offers for the Octavia to compete and make interest in the potential buyers. This can be a special discount or a price questionnaire where you can win a car. A special offer is mostly e.g. a free navigation system or deluxe audio system within the car. These offers and discounts are based on promotion and advertisement.

The marketing aspects are here to gain as much as influence and publicity as possible. Skoda also invests in the Octavia by using show models on yearly events and special car meetings where consumers and businesses can take a look which car is most suitable.